Aquatics Committee and Charter

Committee Chairperson: Mike Lockhart
Approved May 24 2012
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The Aquatic Committee, a standing committee of the Edgebrook Club, Inc., shall promote and monitor Aquatic activities within the Club. It is the responsibility of the Committee to oversee any aquatic-related programs. These include but are not limited to:
1. Swim Lessons
2. Swim Team
3. Water Polo
4. Diving
5. Midlakes Competitions
6. Other Summer-Only Programs
The Aquatic Chairperson (Chair) shall be a member in good standing appointed by the Board President.
The Committee shall consist of the Chair, and a minimum of 2 other members (including seasonal members) who agree to serve on the Committee. The term of service shall be for one season (effective March 1 to October 1) and Committee Members may serve consecutive years if approved by the Chairperson.
The Club Manager and Aquatic Director or their representative shall attend all Committee meetings in an advisory capacity (non-voting) to facilitate and provide information on how any changes will affect the overall operation of the Club and the Aquatic program.
It will be the responsibility of the Committee to approve the Aquatic Director and other Senior Aquatic Staff as recommended by the Club Manager. The Club Manager and Aquatic Director shall be responsible to monitor the performance, behavior, and teaching quality of the Aquatic Staff.
All items of business that impact the club policies, operations or finance will be deferred to the Board of Directors with a recommended action provided by the Committee. The Committee shall have the discretion to make decisions in support of the Club’s aquatic and summer-only programs. The Chair shall report to the Board President each season on the current status of the aquatic programs and as required to keep the Board of Directors informed about any situations and concerns that need to be resolved.
The Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the aquatic programs to assure that the pool and other club facilities are being used in the best interest of the membership. The Committee should always assure that there is adequate open pool time for the membership, while balancing the needs and requirements of athletic training and competition. The Committee will be responsible for informing the office manager of any additional information that needs to be placed in the Club’s handbook, newsletter, etc. The office staff shall handle normal information about lessons, competitions, pool closures, etc.
The Committee shall be responsible for resolving any problems or complaints presented by the membership. Any member may bring a concern to the Committee.
Approved May 24 2012
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The Aquatic Committee, a standing committee of the Edgebrook Club, Inc., shall promote and monitor Aquatic activities within the Club. It is the responsibility of the Committee to oversee any aquatic-related programs. These include but are not limited to:
1. Swim Lessons
2. Swim Team
3. Water Polo
4. Diving
5. Midlakes Competitions
6. Other Summer-Only Programs
The Aquatic Chairperson (Chair) shall be a member in good standing appointed by the Board President.
The Committee shall consist of the Chair, and a minimum of 2 other members (including seasonal members) who agree to serve on the Committee. The term of service shall be for one season (effective March 1 to October 1) and Committee Members may serve consecutive years if approved by the Chairperson.
The Club Manager and Aquatic Director or their representative shall attend all Committee meetings in an advisory capacity (non-voting) to facilitate and provide information on how any changes will affect the overall operation of the Club and the Aquatic program.
It will be the responsibility of the Committee to approve the Aquatic Director and other Senior Aquatic Staff as recommended by the Club Manager. The Club Manager and Aquatic Director shall be responsible to monitor the performance, behavior, and teaching quality of the Aquatic Staff.
All items of business that impact the club policies, operations or finance will be deferred to the Board of Directors with a recommended action provided by the Committee. The Committee shall have the discretion to make decisions in support of the Club’s aquatic and summer-only programs. The Chair shall report to the Board President each season on the current status of the aquatic programs and as required to keep the Board of Directors informed about any situations and concerns that need to be resolved.
The Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the aquatic programs to assure that the pool and other club facilities are being used in the best interest of the membership. The Committee should always assure that there is adequate open pool time for the membership, while balancing the needs and requirements of athletic training and competition. The Committee will be responsible for informing the office manager of any additional information that needs to be placed in the Club’s handbook, newsletter, etc. The office staff shall handle normal information about lessons, competitions, pool closures, etc.
The Committee shall be responsible for resolving any problems or complaints presented by the membership. Any member may bring a concern to the Committee.